At Town Opinions we go by something called the Rickshaw Model. This model was first explained in this way by Everett Pilling.

Big Business Limos

As you start out on your business you are walking. You see big businesses with lots of start-up capital or cash flow that can afford large companies for marketing, market research, research and development, contract procurement, web site and graphic design, accounting, human resources, etc. They have a fleet of limos to get their company speeding down the road of success.

Looking At the Gulf Between

Many small businesses and start up businesses don’t have that large capital to spend on limo service (or don’t want to assume that much risk). At Town Opinions we believe in starting where you are and building up.

Every step up, especially the first steps, are hard. Your passion might be in growing flowers but now you have to figure out social media, taxes, hiring employees, local state and federal regulations. Most packages or services out there assume that you have a lot of cash to lay down for expensive software, subscriptions, or services. They want to start you out with a Mercedes.

Small Businesses don't have large capital and it can seem like a big leap to get your business going.

Town Opinions recognizes that sometimes you need to start out with a Rickshaw. We focus on helping businesses develop or use free software, create innovative solutions, and providing space where entrepreneurs can use common resources to reduce their own start up (or expansion) costs.

We meet you where you are at, provide for you what you need, and work with you to meet your goals in the way that you want.